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This is a complete translation of the Samyutta Nikaya, containing all of the important suttas ("Discourses of the Buddha") on such key Buddhist concepts as the Four Noble Truths, dependent origination, the seven factors of enlightenment, and the Noble Eightfold Path. "The Connected Discourses of the Buddha" ranks as one of the most inspiring compilations in the Buddhist canon. Bhikkhu Bodhi's distinguished and precise translation, his insightful introductory materials, and his extensive notes guide the reader through this vast collection of the Buddha's ancient teachings. This is the third title in Wisdom Publications' award-winning Teachings of the Buddha Series, following "The Long Discourses of the Buddha" and "The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha." Like its two predecessors, and 2005's anthology of "Discourses of the Buddha, " this volume belongs in the library of every student of Buddhism. 楽天Books
発売日/出版年度 : 2003年   ISBNコード : 9780861713318
同ジャンル検索 : 005406007