JPY ¥2,490
2020/8/28 発売 輸入盤  レーベル: BMG RIGHTS MANAGEMEN  収録曲: Jason Mraz's 2020 album begins and ends with the same phrase: "look for the good." Those four words are not just a lyric or the title of his seventh studio album, but also an all-encompassing world philosophy for the musician, who believes that in dark and challenging times we should search for something positive. While the songs on Look For The Good harken back to Jason's formative releases, including his 2002 debut Waiting For My Rocket to Come and 2005's Mr. A-Z, the album looks forward, hinting at a musician who isn't bound by genre or expectation. Produced by Michael Goldwasser (Matisyahu, Steel Pulse and Toots and the Maytals), the songs reveal an artist who is inspired by his surroundings, especially by his organic home farm, Mraz Family Farms, where he grows coffee and avocados, among other things. Everything he does and every song he writes comes back to the i  Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

JPY ¥2,170
オーガニックエルサルバドルはJAS認証を受けた高品質なコーヒー豆を使用し、更にこちらはカップオブエクセレンス受賞農園によるプロデュースのプレミアムコーヒー豆です。ミルクチョコレートのような味わいの裏側には、とても華やかなリンゴのようなフルーティーさの上にピーチのような後味をも残してくれます。 フルーツのような甘酸っぱさをいかした、シティローストで仕上げております。   It’s difficult to explain how rich the taste of these beans are. Suffice to say, the farm has received the Cup of Excellence Award on seven occasions! With Organic El Salvador you get the fruity acidity that is characteristic of city roasts. The milk chocolate sweetness is balanced out by an apple-like sweetness with a peachy aftertaste.    苦味:★★  酸味:★★★  甘味:★★★★  焙煎度合い:シティー  Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)